Math: Curriculum & Outline

  • MATH
    ALSDE-approved 2019 Mathematics Curriculum Standards linked HERE.
    Supplemental Resources: Math courses may utilize the following supplemental resources: A+ College Ready, AP Classroom/College Board Resources, Desmos, Discovery Education, Gizmos, IXL, Math Nation, Newsela                                                                                                                  
    Below are the adopted textbooks for math courses as well as the course outline and description. A+ College Ready has also been approved by the Baldwin County Board of Education as a primary curriculum. 
    Course Title Author Edition Publisher Copyright Year Tentative Course Outline Course Descriptions
    Grade 7 Math enVision Mathematics: Grade 7 Berry, Champagne, Milou, Schielack, Wray, Charles, Fennell 1st Savvas 2021 Grade 7 Math Course Outline Students will analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems; apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers; use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions; solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations; draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationship between them; solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume; use random sampling to draw inferences about a population; draw informal comparative inferences about two populations; and investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
    Grade 7 Accelerated Math enVision Mathematics: Grade 7 Accelerated Berry, Champagne, Milou, Schielack, Wray, Charles, Fennell 1st Savvas 2021 Grade 7 Accelerated Math Course Outline  The Grade 7 Accelerated Mathematics course has been carefully aligned and designed for middle school students who show particular motivation and interest in mathematics. Grade 7 Accelerated Mathematics includes standards from Grade 7 Mathematics and incorporates standards from Grade 8 Mathematics and Algebra I with Probability. Students who complete this class are eligible to enroll in Grade 8 Accelerated Mathematics or Grade 8 Mathematics. Students who complete both Grade 7 Accelerated Mathematics and Grade 8 Accelerated Mathematics are considered to have met the requirements of and may opt to omit the Algebra I with Probability course in their high school mathematics progression to enroll in additional mathematics courses after completing the required Algebra II with Statistics course.
    Grade 8 Math enVision Mathematics: Grade 8 Berry, Champagne, Milou, Schielack, Wray, Charles, Fennell 1st Savvas 2021 Grade 8 Math Course Outline Students will know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers; work with radicals and integer exponents; understand the connections among proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations; analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations; define, evaluate, and compare functions; use functions to model relationships between quantities; understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software; understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem; solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres; and investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
    Grade 8 Accelerated Math enVision Algebra 1 Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Grade 8 Accelerated Math Course Outline The Grade 8 Accelerated course has been carefully aligned and designed for middle school students who have completed the Grade 7 Accelerated course and show particular motivation and interest in mathematics.  Grade 8 Accelerated contains four content areas: Number Systems and Operations; Algebra and Functions; Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability; and Geometry and Measurement.  The algebra focus is on quadratic relationships.  
    enVision Mathematics: Grade 8 Berry, Champagne, Milou, Schielack, Wray, Charles, Fennell 1st Savvas 2021    
    Geometry with Data Analysis enVision Geometry Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Geometry with Data Analysis Course Outline Geometry with Data Analysis is the first of three required courses for all students in high school mathematics. Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Geometry with Data Analysis. In Geometry with Data Analysis, students incorporate knowledge and skills in Geometry and Measurement, Algebra and Functions, and Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability, leading to a deeper understanding of fundamental relationships within the discipline and building a solid foundation for further study. An emphasis on reasoning and proof throughout the content area promotes exploration, conjecture testing, and informal and formal justification. Topics include radicals, transformations, congruence, similarity, surface area, volume, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, Pythagorean Theorem, univariate quantitative data (shape, center, and variability), and bivariate quantitative data (creating linear models).  
    Geometry with Data Analysis, Honors enVision Geometry Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Geometry with Data Analysis Course Outline Geometry with Data Analysis is the first of three required courses for all students in high school mathematics. Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Geometry with Data Analysis. In Geometry with Data Analysis, students incorporate knowledge and skills in Geometry and Measurement, Algebra and Functions, and Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability, leading to a deeper understanding of fundamental relationships within the discipline and building a solid foundation for further study. An emphasis on reasoning and proof throughout the content area promotes exploration, conjecture testing, and informal and formal justification. Topics include radicals, transformations, congruence, similarity, surface area, volume, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, Pythagorean Theorem, univariate quantitative data (shape, center, and variability), and bivariate quantitative data (creating linear models).  Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Geometry with Data Analysis with increased rigor and expansion of topic-depth for advanced math preparation.
    Algebra I with Probability enVision Algebra 1 Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Algebra I with Probability Course Outline Algebra I with Probability is the second of three required courses for all students in high school mathematics. Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Algebra I with Probability. Algebra I with Probability builds upon algebraic concepts studied in Grade 7 and Grade 8 Mathematics. It provides students with the necessary knowledge of algebra and probability for use in everyday life and in the subsequent study of mathematics.  Algebra I with Probability emphasizes functions including linear, absolute value, quadratic, exponential, and polynomial.  Properties of algebra are applied to convert between forms of expressions and to solve equations (factoring, completing the square, rules of powers, and radicals).  Additional topics include exponents, imaginary numbers, functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, arithmetic and geometric sequences, categorical data, and conditional probability.
    Algebra I with Probability, Honors enVision Algebra 1 Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Algebra I with Probability Course Outline Algebra I with Probability is the second of three required courses for all students in high school mathematics. Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Algebra I with Probability. Algebra I with Probability builds upon algebraic concepts studied in Grade 7 and Grade 8 Mathematics. It provides students with the necessary knowledge of algebra and probability for use in everyday life and in the subsequent study of mathematics.  Algebra I with Probability emphasizes functions including linear, absolute value, quadratic, exponential, and polynomial.  Properties of algebra are applied to convert between forms of expressions and to solve equations (factoring, completing the square, rules of powers, and radicals).  Additional topics include exponents, imaginary numbers, functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, arithmetic and geometric sequences, categorical data, and conditional probability. Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Algebra I with Probability with increased rigor and expansion of topic-depth for advanced math preparation.
    Algebra II with Statistics enVision Algebra 2 Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Algebra II with Statistics Course Outline Algebra II with Statistics is the third of three required courses for all students in high school mathematics.  Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Algebra II with Statistics. Algebra II with Statistics builds on the students’ experiences in previous mathematics in Geometry with Data Analysis and Algebra I with Probability. It is the culmination of the three years of required mathematics content and sets the stage for continued study of topics specific to the student’s interests and plans beyond high school. Algebra II with Statistics focuses on problem-solving skills that use a variety of methods to encourage the development of improved communication skills and foster a deeper understanding of the content area.  In order to provide students with an appreciation of the power of algebra, applications involving real-life situations are incorporated throughout the course.  Students explore and solve an expanded range of functions, including polynomial, trigonometric (specifically sine and cosine), logarithmic, reciprocal, radical, and general piece-wise functions. Students learn how to make inferences about a population from a random sample drawn from the population and how to analyze cause-and-effect by conducting randomized experiments. Additional topics include complex numbers and matrices.  
    Algebra II with Statistics, Honors enVision Algebra 2 Kennedy, Milou, Thomas, Zbiek 1st Savvas 2018 Algebra II with Statistics Course Outline Algebra II with Statistics is the third of three required courses for all students in high school mathematics.  Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Algebra II with Statistics. Algebra II with Statistics builds on the students’ experiences in previous mathematics in Geometry with Data Analysis and Algebra I with Probability. It is the culmination of the three years of required mathematics content and sets the stage for continued study of topics specific to the student’s interests and plans beyond high school. Algebra II with Statistics focuses on problem-solving skills that use a variety of methods to encourage the development of improved communication skills and foster a deeper understanding of the content area.  In order to provide students with an appreciation of the power of algebra, applications involving real-life situations are incorporated throughout the course.  Students explore and solve an expanded range of functions, including polynomial, trigonometric (specifically sine and cosine), logarithmic, reciprocal, radical, and general piece-wise functions. Students learn how to make inferences about a population from a random sample drawn from the population and how to analyze cause-and-effect by conducting randomized experiments. Additional topics include complex numbers and matrices.  Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Algebra II with Statistics with increased rigor and expansion of topic-depth for advanced math preparation.
    Algebra with Finance Financial Algebra: Advanced Algebra wtih Financial Applications - Tax Code Update Gerver, Sgroi 2nd Cengage 2021 Algebra with Finance Course Outline Algebra with Finance is a college and career preparatory course that integrates algebra, precalculus, probability and statistics, calculus and geometry to solve financial problems that occur in everyday life. Real-world problems in investing, credit, banking, auto insurance, mortgages, employment, income taxes, budgeting and planning for retirement are solved by applying the relevant mathematics that are taught at a higher level.  This course may be used as the fourth math credit, or an elective.  Students cannot receive credit for both Algebra with Finance and Mathematical Modeling.
    Applications of Finite Mathematics Thinking Mathematically Blitzer 7th Savvas 2019 Course currently not offered Applications of Finite Mathematics provides students with the opportunity to explore mathematics concepts related to discrete mathematics and their application to computer science and other fields and include areas of study that are critical to the fast-paced growth of a technologically advancing world. The wide range of topics in Applications of Finite Mathematics includes logic, counting methods, information processing, graph theory, election theory, and fair division, with an emphasis on relevance to real-world problems. Logic includes recognizing and developing logical arguments and using principles of logic to solve problems. Students are encouraged to use a variety of approaches and representations to make sense of advanced counting problems, and then develop formulas that can be used to explain patterns. Applications in graph theory allow students to use mathematical structures to represent real-world problems and make informed decisions. Election theory and fair division applications also engage students in democratic decision-making so that they recognize the power of mathematics in shaping society.  This course may be used as the fourth math credit.
    Mathematical Modeling Math In Our World Sobecki 4th McGraw-Hill 2019 Course currently not offered Mathematical Modeling is developed to expand on and reinforce the concepts introduced in Geometry with Data Analysis, Algebra I with Probability, and Algebra II with Statistics by applying them in the context of mathematical modeling to represent and analyze data and make predictions regarding real-world phenomena. Mathematical Modeling is designed to engage students in doing, thinking about, and discussing mathematics, statistics, and modeling in everyday life. It allows students to experience mathematics and its applications in a variety of ways that promote financial literacy and data-based decision-making skills. This course also provides a solid foundation for students who are entering a range of fields involving quantitative reasoning, whether or not they require calculus. The prerequisite for Mathematical Modeling is Algebra II with Statistics. Note: Students may not receive credit for both Mathematical Modeling and Algebra with Finance, as Mathematical Modeling includes mathematics content that also appears in the Algebra with Finance course.
    Precalculus Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Sullivan, Sullivan 8th Pearson 2021 Precalculus Course Outline Students will study all the content standards in the 2019 Alabama Course of Study for Precalculus. Precalculus is designed primarily for those students considering careers in mathematical or scientific fields of study. Algebraic, graphical, numerical, and verbal analyses are incorporated during investigations and application-based problems throughout the course. Content for this course includes an expanded study of polynomial and rational functions, trigonometric functions, and logarithmic and exponential functions.  Parametric equations, polar relations, vector operations, conic sections, and limits are also introduced. This course may be used as the fourth math credit.
    AP Calculus, AB Calculus for the AP Course Sullivan, Miranda 2nd BFW 2017 AP Calculus: College Board Course Exam and Description AP Calculus AB is an introductory college-level calculus course and is recommended for students who plan to enter an engineering or mathematics program at the college or university level. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and using definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions. Topics include limits and continuity, derivatives and their applications, integration, applications of definite integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and other topics. This course requires the use of a graphing calculator. This course is designed to prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement® Calculus AB exam and students are encouraged to take the exam.
    AP Calculus, BC Calculus for the AP Course Sullivan, Miranda 2nd BFW 2017 AP Calculus: College Board Course Exam and Description College-level course approved by the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program for Calculus; this course is an extension of AP Calculus AB (incorporating the topic of series) rather than an enhancement; common topics require a similar depth of understanding. This course requires the use of a graphing calculator. This course is designed to prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement ® Calculus BC exam and students are encouraged to take the exam.
    AP Statistics The Practice of Statistics - Updated Starnes, Taber 6th BFW 2020 AP Statistics: College Board Course Exam and Description AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem-solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.  This course requires the use of a graphing calculator. The course is designed to prepare students with a wide range of math proficiencies to take the AP® Statistics Exam and students are encouraged to take the exam. 
    AP Precalculus Precalculus: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities Sullivan, Sullivan 8th Pearson 2021 AP Precalculus: College Board Course Exam and Description Following College Board’s course framework designed to parallel college-level precalculus courses, AP Precalculus provides students with an understanding of the concepts of college algebra, trigonometry, and additional topics that prepare students for further college-level mathematics courses. This course explores polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, polar, parametric, and linear transformation functions and their applications. Throughout the course, the mathematical practices of procedural and symbolic fluency, multiple representations, and communication and reasoning are developed. Students experience the concepts and skills related to each function type through the lenses of modeling and covariation, and engage each function type through their analytical, verbal, numerical, and graphical representations.  This course requires the use of a graphing calculator.  This course is designed to prepare students for the College Board Advanced Placement ® Precalculus exam and students are encouraged to take the exam.
    Math Readiness enVision Math Diagnosis and Interention System 2.0 Savvas Learning Company - Savvas - NA Mathematics lab or intervention courses can be offered by school districts to meet the needs of students struggling in the required courses. These lab courses meet concurrently with the required content courses. Lab courses might provide a review of prior knowledge needed for upcoming lessons, reinforce content from previous lessons, or preview upcoming content to ensure that students can fully participate in the required content classes. Credit for this class period would count as elective credit, not mathematics credit 
    Mathematics Lab Co-requisite (6-8) enVision Math Diagnosis and Interention System 2.0 Savvas Learning Company - Savvas - NA Mathematics lab or intervention courses can be offered by school districts to meet the needs of students struggling in the required courses. These lab courses meet concurrently with the required content courses. Lab courses might provide a review of prior knowledge needed for upcoming lessons, reinforce content from previous lessons, or preview upcoming content to ensure that students can fully participate in the required content classes. Credit for this class period would count as elective credit, not mathematics credit 
    Mathematics Lab Co-requisite (9-12) enVision Math Diagnosis and Interention System 2.0 Savvas Learning Company - Savvas - NA Mathematics lab or intervention courses can be offered by school districts to meet the needs of students struggling in the required courses. These lab courses meet concurrently with the required content courses. Lab courses might provide a review of prior knowledge needed for upcoming lessons, reinforce content from previous lessons, or preview upcoming content to ensure that students can fully participate in the required content classes. Credit for this class period would count as elective credit, not mathematics credit 
    Mathematics: IB Applications and Interpretations, Standard Level, Grades 11 and 12 The Practice of Statistics (DHS) Yates 3rd Edition Freeman 2007 IB Applications and Interpretations Course Information International Baccalaureate Applications and Interpretations is designed for IB students whose future careers will not include a focus on mathematics. This course is designed to provide a realistic mathematics course for students with varied backgrounds and abilities. The skills needed to cope with the mathematical demands of a technological society are developed, and emphasis is placed on the application of mathematics to real-life situations. A substantial piece of personal research, in the form of a statistical project, is a requirement of this program. 
    Oxford IB Diploma Programme Mathematics: applications and interpretations, SL, Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack (FPHS) Forrest, Waldman, Warthall, Doering, Harris, Kennedy Illustrated Oxford University Press 2019    
    Mathematics: IB Analysis and Approaches, Standard Level, Grades 11 and 12 IB DP Mathematics A&A SL & Enhanced Online Course (DHS) La Rondie 1st Oxford University Press 2019 IB Analysis and Approaches Course Information This course is a 2-year program for students planning to enter college majoring in math, science, medicine, or engineering. The course will study a broad range of topics, providing an introduction to a variety of mathematical topics that could be taken at the collegiate level. The focus of Math SL is to introduce important mathematical concepts through the development of mathematical techniques and understanding, not necessarily rigor. It will focus on solving real-life problems and situations and will include 1 project per year. The goal is to model logical, critical, and creative thinking as well as teaching students to think on an abstract and generalized level. By incorporating the historical perspectives respective to the development of mathematics, students will learn to appreciate the fact that math is the international language. 
    Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches, Standard Level (FPHS) Awada, Buchanan, Wathall, Kemp, La Rondie, Stevens, Thompson Oxford University Press 2019